5. Market Development ($1.2 Million)

Research will be conducted on the market of seaweed and shellfish consumers. The producers of shellfish and seaweed products will need market demand data to guide product development and inform marketing strategies. This is especially true for seaweed which is a largely new ingredient to the North American diet and will require development of new marketing opportunity. The marketing research will collect data to; determine key opportunities for growth, establish key tracking metrics, explore/determine key product attributes desired and market gaps, identify consumer buyer profiles for seaweed and shellfish products, and conduct a purchase channel analysis and analyze the size and growth rate according to channel. There will be a contractor hired for market development and brand planning. This person will complete a four-year marketing plan with detailed strategies for reaching buyers, consumers, wholesale and retail food services, and chefs with promotions for Alaska Mariculture products and the overall brand. Implementing the Alaska Mariculture Marketing Plan will include creating marketing assets such as product fact sheets, talking points memos, buyer’s guides, websites, social media platforms and content, promotional videos, familiarization tours of Alaska mariculture farm sites for buyers and chefs, and recipe development.

Projected Timeline Submitted to the EDA

Project Narrative Submitted to the EDA: Market Development

Sub-Award Recipients
Current Projects

Food For Climate League has been awarded a contract in order to conduct current market research.

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