1. Revolving Loan Fund ($10 Million)

The Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) component will address lending barriers within the industry by providing access to capital with flexible terms that align with the needs of the industry. The RLF will complement current funding programs around the State of Alaska; the component will also be vigilant in continually seeking creative and effective funding mechanisms that will enhance the financial economic infrastructure of the mariculture industry in order to prioritize equitable access and sustainability within the overarching goal of the industry cluster.
Project Narrative submitted to EDA: Revolving Loan Fund Component
Sub-Award Recipients
Current Projects
Revolving Loan Fund Advising
Southeast Conference solicited qualified individuals or firms to assist finalizing the federally-funded revolving loan fund for the Alaska Mariculture Cluster (AMC). Responses were due February 10, 2023. A contract awarded to the winning bidder, Manta Consulting.
Upcoming Opportunities
Job Opportunities: Join The Team!!
RLF Loan Officer
This position originates, underwrites, and monitors direct loans made to mariculture businesses in the State of Alaska under the SEC- AMCRLF program. Full Job Description
RLF Fund Manager and Compliance Officer
This position coordinates, administers, and manages the partnerships and development of the SEC- AMC revolving loan fund program. Full Job Description