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Joint Innovation Projects #2

Status: Archived

Date of Issue: 3/18/24

Closing Date: 6/17/2024

Grant Component: Research & Development

Awarded to: Alaska Ocean Farms, Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute, Atlantic Sea Farms, Chugach Regional Resources Commission, Four Corner Foods, Kelp Blue, Marine Biologics, Mothers of Millions, Organized Village of Kake, Ostrea Engineering, Pacific Hybreed, Premium Aquatics, Saltwater Inc., SeaQuester Farms, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Wildsource, World Wildlife Fund

The Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation (AFDF) is soliciting a second round of proposals from individuals, companies, or organizations, as part of a program designed to accelerate innovation in the Alaska mariculture industry by funding applied research and development projects which address barriers to growth in Alaska’s mariculture industry. Through this competitive RFP process, AFDF will select, and fund Joint Innovation Projects proposed by businesses (hatcheries/nurseries, aquatic farmers, processors, technology companies), or other eligible organizations. Findings and data from these projects will be compiled into reports and distributed to the public, ensuring benefits are available to all current or future industry participants, and the public in general.

Selected proposals will be funded for a timeline of up to 18-month projects. Start dates must be between August 1st and October 31st 2024. The number of projects funded, and award amounts will depend on the quantity and quality of proposals received. Proposals may only request funding up to $100,000. Matching funds are not required but will score extra points.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is funded through the Research Development Component Project. If you have questions, please email