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Mariculture Equipment #1

Status: Archived

Date of Issue: 11/21/23

Closing Date: 1/8/2024

Grant Component: Equipment & Technology

Awarded to: Chenega Regional Development Group, Chugach Regional Resources Commission, Kachemak Shellfish Mariculture Association, Larsen Bay Tribe, Native Conservancy, Oceans Alaska, Prince William Sound Economic Development District, Prince William Sound Science Center

The Equipment & Technology component of the Alaska Mariculture Cluster program contains funding for eligible entities (defined below) to purchase equipment to support a variety of mariculture operations including processing, nursery, and hatchery development.

This first round of funding is being made available for eligible entities with ready-to-go proposals for equipment that demonstrate regional impact, community buy-in, and a plan for sustainable use and maintenance. To support effective investments in equipment throughout coastal Alaska, a portion of funds will be held back to allow more time for other projects to develop the facilities, partnerships, and business plans needed to support successful equipment proposals.

Eligible entities include:

  • District Organization of an EDA-designated Economic Development District
  • Indian Tribe, consortium of Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, Tribal Cooperatives
  • State, borough, city, or other political subdivisions of a State
  • Institution of higher education or a consortium of institutions of higher education
  • Public or private non-profit organization

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is funded through the AMC Equipment & Technology Component Project. If you have questions, please email