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Other Mariculture Species Research & Development #2

Status: Archived

Date of Issue: 9/10/24

Closing Date: 12/17/2024

Grant Component: Equipment & Technology

Awarded to: Pending

Closing Date Extended to December 17, 2024

Southeast Conference is soliciting proposals from individuals, companies, or organizations to conduct applied research around methods for cultivating new mariculture species.

Mariculture farming in Alaska is currently dominated by Pacific Oysters and three species of kelp (sugar, ribbon, and bull). The Alaska Mariculture Cluster grant program has a primary focus on supporting the viability of these species that dominate the current industry. In the long term, it is likely that other species of macroalgae, shellfish, and other mariculture species will be important parts of the industry as well. This RFP is focused on innovation related to other species of interest for cultivation (not including Pacific Oysters, bull kelp, sugar kelp, or ribbon kelp). This RFP will not accept proposals around the cultivation of black seaweed.

Proposals are sought for research and development projects that advance our understanding of key questions related to the viability of “other species” for commercial, restoration, and/or enhancement uses, including enhancement of subsistence resources. Proposals should demonstrate support from local or regional tribal leadership and include a plan to engage with local Alaska Native entities to ensure the results of the proposed project will benefit, respect, and represent the values of the local Alaska Native community.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is funded through the AMC Technology & Technology Component Project. If you have questions, please email