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Southeast Alaska Mariculture Liaison

Status: Archived

Date of Issue: 10/15/24

Closing Date: 11/15/2024

Grant Component: Governance Coordination Outreach

Awarded to: Ecotrust

The Alaska Mariculture Alliance, Inc. is soliciting proposals from organizations within Southeast Alaska to host dedicated positions to provide communication, connection, and coordination services to underserved, rural, and Alaska Native communities (Mariculture Liaisons). Mariculture Liaisons will facilitate access to resources within the Alaska Mariculture Cluster Build Back Regional Challenge grant (BBBRC) and generally support mariculture development efforts that meet local and regional priorities.

This project is a vital element within the Governance, Coordination & Outreach component of the Alaska Mariculture Cluster (AMC) BBBRC grant. The Alaska Mariculture Alliance (AMA), as part of its subaward from the AMC, will oversee the project. More information on the Alaska Mariculture Cluster and the BBBRC grant is available at

The AMA currently funds four Mariculture Liaisons, with one focused on each of the AMC regions – Prince William Sound, Kenai Peninsula, and Southwest Alaska (Kodiak & Aleutian Chain). This RFP is soliciting proposals from organizations within Southeast Alaska.

Funding is secured for these positions for the life of the BBBRC grant. Selected proposals will fund one year of work with the possibility of annual renewals, subject to performance. Annual funding of $90,000 is budgeted for each position (includes travel, supplies, salary, benefits, and all other needed expenses). Preferably, one dedicated full-time person will fill each position, though organizations can propose other arrangements that meet the scope of work and provide the same level of dedicated capacity.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is funded through the Governance, Coordination, & Outreach Component Project. If you have questions, please email